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Bantu Banquet

The Banquet

This banquet is an opportunity for the black community to come together and learn about what’s happening on the Gulf Coast for black people and the community. During the dinner, we will look at the state of Black NW Florida. Our goal is to address the Economic, Education, Health, Faith, and Political issues we are having as a community and how to rectify them. 

This banquet will be informative and rewarding. It will allow us to celebrate Black-Owned businesses and community leaders for what they have accomplished over the past year. It’s often said, it’s not where you start but where you finish that matters. Black Businesses tend to start from a disadvantaged position, but when they achieve much, it’s worth celebrating the economic and community impact they make.

State of Black NW Florida

Community reporting dashboard that reveals critical performance metrics for the Black community of NW Florida. We cannot do better if we do not know where we are. Establishing the baseline for the community is essential to understanding where we need to improve. Metrics are generated from the bantucola[.]com pillars; Economics, Education, Health, Faith, Politics, and History Preservation.

Bantu Awards

The Bantu Awards allow us to celebrate Black-Owned businesses and community leaders for what they have accomplished over the past year. It’s often said, it’s not where you start but where you finish that matters. Black Businesses tend to start from a disadvantaged position, but when they achieve much, it’s worth celebrating the economic and community impact they make.

  • Small Business of the Year
  • Non-Profit of the Year
  • Entrepreneur of the Year
  • Community Leader of the Year
Dinner SET UP
Banquet Dinner
$1,000.00 $50.00

Dinner Table sponsorship packages are available at the Banquet. Table sponsors will enjoy a priority position at the dinner, where attendees will celebrate the spirit of innovation in the Black Businesses on the Gulf Coast.

Package benefits include:

  • Priority table positioning is located closest to the stage.
  • Food and beverage for each guest.

As a guest, you will receive seating at a charted table as close to the stage as possible. This will also include:

Food and Drinks

  • Your choice of chicken or flounder
  • Mash potatoes
  • Vegetable Medley
  • Salad
  • Dessert
  • Sweet Tea and Water
  • Cash Bar
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